Rapporteur sur la situation d’Alexeï @Navalny, je réprouve sa condamnation à 2,5 ans de prison: il n’a pas respecté le contrôle judiciaire en Russie décidé par jugement considéré comme abusif par @ECHR_CEDH, car en convalescence en Allemagne après son empoisonnement en Russie. pic.twitter.com/kZk1Ygnq10
— Jacques Maire (@JMaireofficiel) February 2, 2021
“The attitude of the Russian authorities towards Mr Navalny is shocking,” declared Mr Maire in a joint statement with Sunna Ævarsdóttir (Iceland, SOC), PACE’s rapporteur on political prisoners in the Russian Federation issued on 3 February 2021.
“Instead of fulfilling their obligation under the European Convention on Human Rights to open a full criminal investigation into his attempted murder by Novichok poisoning, the Russian authorities have again violated his rights by arresting and imprisoning him.”
“We call upon the Russian authorities to release Mr Navalny immediately,” concluded the rapporteurs.