The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (ALDE-PACE) is committed to ensuring, enhancing and defending the core values of the Council of Europe (CoE): democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
Our commitment is driven by our strong belief that individual freedom constitutes the key element of liberal democracy, indispensable for genuine justice and sustainable social progress. We cherish the freedom of speech, rational discussion and open debate in our political institutions and societies.
We aim to achieve our goals in the Council of Europe and its member states by relying on close cooperation between Group members and promoting political participation of citizens.
ALDE-PACE resolves to:
Ensuring that all Group members adhere to and fully defend and promote the CoE’s core values as well as the general ALDE principles of individual freedom, responsibility, connectivity and self-fulfilment as the best way to achieve a prosperous and fair society;
Supporting and coordinating the Group members’ activities aimed at defending and promoting the core values of the CoE in their respective countries, including by introducing PACE resolutions supported by ALDE-PACE into their parliamentary and party work;
Cooperating with like-minded political forces on the European and global levels.
Promoting active citizenship, equality and respect of minorities and ensuring that CoE activities reflect and respect the diversity of Europe’s society;
Involving all citizens regardless of their ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, faith or age in political participation;
Supporting social, cultural and political diversity as a necessary foundation for a successful Europe.
Contributing to the development of the Council of Europe as an effective institution working with a clear purpose and vision, and bringing added value to the CoE activities’ impact;
Ensuring the CoE, including its Parliamentary Assembly, maintains the highest standards of accountability, transparency and efficiency, responding to the expectations of Europe’s citizens;
Enhancing the parliamentary dimension of the CoE institutional framework and making the voice of the elected representatives heard;
Working with other interparliamentary bodies and international organisations to promote CoE core values.
Monitoring and ensuring that the CoE member states make decisions that are consistent with the CoE core values and are guided by considerations of fairness and efficiency;
Seeking close cooperation with national parliaments in order to ensure that legislation respects the core values of the CoE and includes its recommendations which are in line with ALDE-PACE vision;
Promoting measures which enhance the ability of the CoE member states to guarantee social, political and economic development, while fully respecting the highest standards of democracy, human rights and the rule of law and further involving citizens and civil society into decision-making.
Adopted on 22 January 2018, this mission statement has been in part inspired by ALDE CoR and other liberal mission statements. The aim of this document is to contribute to an ALDE vision throughout international institutions and national parliaments.